Re: Engagement Over Time Widget missing?

Level 1

Engagement Over Time Widget missing?

Hi there,

I found this documentation article that references a cool "Engagement Over Time" widget: The Engagement Dashboard - Marketo Docs - Product Documentation:

Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at 6.08.48 PM.png

But when I tried to find it on my own engagement program's dashboard I'm not seeing it anywhere. Am I blind? Can anyone else see this widget in their dashboard? Has it been removed altogether? Thanks in advance!

Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at 6.10.12 PM.png

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Engagement Over Time Widget missing?

For us, it's right there in the bottom left of the dashboard:


Try changing "Streams" to "All Streams"

Level 1

Re: Engagement Over Time Widget missing?

Hi Dan, thanks for the reply! I've changed all available settings and clicked all the links/options I can see and it still just shows the "Program Status" box in that section. Thanks for the screen shot though -- I'm happy to see I'm not losing my mind! I think I'll open a support ticket and see if they can do something on their side. Thanks!

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Engagement Over Time Widget missing?

LOL - I'm trying to find the "program status" widget that you included in your screenshot!

Level 1

Re: Engagement Over Time Widget missing?

Haha trade ya! Well I'll let you know if support comes back with a way to toggle between the two.

Level 1

Re: Engagement Over Time Widget missing?

Did Marketo Support tell you how to see the "engagement over time" widget? I'm seeing the other one like you did instead of the cool green chart.

Level 2

Re: Engagement Over Time Widget missing?

In case anyone else runs into this issue. This feature is available as an add-on for customers who utilize Marketo’s Revenue Cycle Explorer. Please contact the Adobe Account Team (your Account Manager) for additional details.



Level 4

Re: Engagement Over Time Widget missing?

@Brent_M - Great! Very old thread though!