Embedded form issue with pre-checked box

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Embedded form issue with pre-checked box

We are using the new forms 2.0 embedded form for our website and included a preselected yes checkbox. When we embed it onto our website there is a strange character that appears where the check should be. Any suggestions on how to fix this? 
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Level 10

Re: Embedded form issue with pre-checked box

can you supply a screenshot of the issue?
Not applicable

Re: Embedded form issue with pre-checked box

Here is a screenshot.
Level 10

Re: Embedded form issue with pre-checked box

Check boxes in Forms 1.0 actual was a check box with a tick, now with Forms 2.0 is yes and no visible values.

Do they display like this in all browsers? 
Not sure if you have any extra space or character in there.
Can you show a screen shot of the advanced view of your form?
Not applicable

Re: Embedded form issue with pre-checked box

We have also seen this bad character in our Forms 2.0 forms.

It seems that the character used to style the checkmark is too exotic for most browsers.