Re: Email Program Status of Engaged on open or click

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Email Program Status of Engaged on open or click

What's the best practice for setting the Program Status to Engaged in an email program? Should I have a trigger campaign do it on opening the email or clicking? Or does it all depend upon the goals of my campaign (which is what I am expecting the answer to be)?
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Re: Email Program Status of Engaged on open or click

Personally I think clicks is a much better measurement of engagment.
It's easy for someone to open an email, look at it for a few seconds and then close it but if they bother to click a link that for me is a good indication that something in your content caught their eye.
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Re: Email Program Status of Engaged on open or click

Scott, your expectation of the "consultant" answer is correct 🙂 Depends on the goals of the campaign. Sometimes a click is the desired result, other times is an action on your site, etc.

I've actually seen some clients have multiple engagement steps on an email and assign success to each one.
Level 4

Re: Email Program Status of Engaged on open or click

I would do it upon clicking. If they open the email, it doesn't mean they actually read it. More important, opens are not a really metric because if they don't "display images" then Marketo cannot see if they opened the email even if they did (Gmail is an exception due to the recent change).

Definitely depends on your specific goal. For example, your end goal might be for the recipient to click the link and then fill out the form on the following page.
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Re: Email Program Status of Engaged on open or click

Thanks. We are leaning to clicks now too. In some cases like an alert, just an open is all we care about, but the general rule we are going with are clicks.