email nurture reporting question

Level 4 - Champion Alumni

email nurture reporting question

Hi Marketo Community! Would love to get some feedback on email nurture reporting.

Here's some context on our reporting asks are:

The nurture is setup as a Stream with a cadence of every other week that has 8 emails in the series. It's been running for the last 5 months now. We recently updated the content for all 8 emails and re-launched the emails again. However, as we are pulling our email nurture stats, there's a huge discrepancies with the numbers because there are people who have exhausted the content from the first 8 emails and are now receiving these new emails which is lowering the open and click rate. Which makes the new emails look really bad. How would you recommend pulling email reports to compare the old email versus the new email to figure out if it's doing better or not? Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated!

Level 9 - Champion Alumni

Re: email nurture reporting question

A few thoughts here Michelle:

A/B Testing the email is typically the best way to test the email in these scenarios, in the future, I would recommend just creating an A/B test as opposed to swapping the emails entirely.

Another thing to mention is it's a best practice to build asset specific emails under a parent asset program that tracks membership. From there, you can add the asset program to the stream and Marketo will be smart enough to not send the asset email to anyone that is already a member of the parent program.

Since you are where you are now, you could always just add a filter to only show emails sent to people that were created after you made the change. This will remove all of the older people and may give you a better understanding of performance compared to the past emails.

Hope this helps. Let me know if you have questions regarding anything I wrote here.