Email Invitation to Webinar: Campaign Idea?

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Email Invitation to Webinar: Campaign Idea?


Curious if anyone has done something like this. We're considering the idea to bypass a landing page with form in an email invitation webinar campaign.

I think we could make this work in Marketo. We'd run a flow step on the click link in email action. If the recipient clicks the register now button/link in the email, we "register" (add clicker to a list and send autoresponse registration/ confirmation email).

Has anyone try something like this before? I can see one downfall with this approach. Without a form we're not able to capture "new" names if someone forwards/shares the email invite. Wondering if I'm missing anything else.

Appreciate any and all thoughts here.


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Re: Email Invitation to Webinar: Campaign Idea?

I've done something along these lines. We had tested embedding the registration "form" in the email. Now, it was really just a table that looked like a pre-populated form with a "One click to register" button as the submit button. The link click action then did as you suggested, changed the Progression status of the Program (and by proxy, the status in the SFDC Campaign) to "Registered".

This works perfectly if the only invitees are those you are specifically inviting, however, as you noted, you still need a traditional registration form for anyone not on that invitee list.

This tactic didn't result in a higher regitration rate and actually resulted in several false-positive registrations (mostly accidental clicks from touch devices). Because of this and our need to have an actual registration form anyway, we just went back to the traditional registration page with embedded form for the vast majority of our events.
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Re: Email Invitation to Webinar: Campaign Idea?


You don't even need the form; if you aren't collecting more info on your form than you already have, then allow your leads to register for the webinar with one click. You can change their status to "Registered", and Marketo will pass the info right to the webinar provider.

As Tom said, YMMV, so I would test this out on a subset of a list before trying it across an entire campaign.

On the other hand, you lose the ability to use progressive profiing on the webinar LP form and the opportunity to gain more information about your leads.

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Re: Email Invitation to Webinar: Campaign Idea?

Thank you for the feedback and insight Jason and Tom!