Email formatting

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Email formatting

When creating emails, does anyone else have an issue with paragraph breaks? 

When I go to create an email, all looks fine in the WYSYWG editor, but then when I hit preview or send a test, the paragraph breaks are either gone or there is extra space. Even if I go back and edit the code, it is still happening.

Does anyone else have this issue? Any suggestions?

Thank you!
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Re: Email formatting

Are you composing the content in Design Studio from scratch or copying/pasting from another application?

Does it show the extra or missing paragraph tags if you use Email Actions - HTML Tools - Download HTML?

A related topic: Yahoo Mail ignores the paragraph tags sent by any system. A quick fix can be found at
Level 5

Re: Email formatting

also hard returns in html will not always look same when you actually use. the email client will break where it needs to and if you havea  hard break as well you may end up with the break where you don't want it.

always better to let the lines break naturally based on tables etc.
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Re: Email formatting

Hey Rachel,

I have experienced this and I have found that the best way to control the spaces is by utilizing the single space. Use the enter bar to create a space, then write your paragraph, or add your image, or whatever you need to do. Once you have done that, go back to the space you created and tab over a few times. 

Not ideal, but this works for me. Let me know if you have any questions!