Email Alerts - Cases NOT to use them

Level 10

Email Alerts - Cases NOT to use them

Hi all,

The man previously in my position (until about a month ago) had set up alerts to be sent to him for when any 3 of our main forms  (contact us) are filled out. He would spend time manually reading through these and then forwarding on to the correct VP of sales based on region. Another twist is that we are focused on employers and sometimes these would be job seeker requests or a different division (we have many brands) that needed to go to a different internal brand.

I came on and made segments to route these automatically (they want manual). We are still seeing issues that we cannot make automated (comments section and other special exclusions) and they are complaining about volume. They don't want this scored as MQLs (I agree) so I don't think there's a need for emailing alerts (it's a mess). These leads aren't even assigned out in SFDC yet, just in queues and these queues match my rules.

So the thing I want to do is to make a case to the sales VPs that they shouldn't get these email alerts. I would propose making this an interesting moment and that's it - as it's not even assigned out yet and they should focus on MQLs. The assignments are through SFDC so that would then have to be the responsibility of sales. What do you think?

We are a huge company and I need to make a case. Any examples of this in other huge companies that I could provide?

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Level 3

Re: Email Alerts - Cases NOT to use them

I would encourage you to look at the actionability of it. If immediate action is required then perhaps it is an alert/MQL - once it has passed your audience filters. If they are just looking at a feel good indicator that something is happening then perhaps have a separate program that you can make the individuals members of and you can show some general reporting. Long way of saying connect the appropriate input and action for the result that is desired.

If they aren't acting on it, don't do it - key for sales team is quality actionable insights.

Level 10

Re: Email Alerts - Cases NOT to use them

Thanks for the reply. Yes, we do have these in separate programs that are also SFDC campaigns.

Maybe I should say that IF they do indeed want to be alerted on these leads to take action, then we just need to go back to bumping the score for these form fills to +100. Because if they want to talk with them, shouldn't they be handed off to sales anyways?