Edit A/B Test - Email Send

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Edit A/B Test - Email Send


The A/B test of my email program is occurring now. However, I need to edit the smart list before the winner is automatically sent out. If I unnapprove the program - can I edit the smart list?

If I then re-approve the program, will the program run as intended - but with the winner being sent to the updated members in the smart list?

If this will not work - are there any other suggestions? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Level 9

Re: Edit A/B Test - Email Send

I believe you can abort the email program, but I don't know if it will pick back up where it left off, or if it will allow you to make changes mid-run. My guess is it won't and you'll have to rebuild the program and filter out anyone who was sent the first one.

Out of curiosity, what is your use case where you have to modify the smart list in the middle of the send?

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Re: Edit A/B Test - Email Send

I believe that if you abort the test that is it is is over.  Your next run will be entirely different