Dynamic Customer Triggers

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Dynamic Customer Triggers

In Marketo Smart Campaigns, is it possible to tailor a message to each contact to include dynamic customer trigger actions to further target the message? Specifically, can different messages and CTAs populate in say a specific zone of an email based on different customer triggers? For example, if someone has already completed a profile, can we program the a specific section of the email to ask them to complete a action? As I understand it, this is functionality Marketo supports but I’m not sure what’s involved in setting it up. Any insight you can provide would be appreciated. Thanks -Rib

Level 6

Re: Dynamic Customer Triggers

Hi Rob,

You're looking for dynamic content which populates based on any segmentation you set up in your instance:

Create a Segmentation - Marketo Docs - Product Docs

Using Dynamic Content in a Email - Marketo Docs - Product Docs

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Re: Dynamic Customer Triggers

Thank Conor - appreciate it. -Rob

Level 10

Re: Dynamic Customer Triggers

Hi Rob,

There are more than one way to achieve this in Marketo. In your writing, though, 2 notions are combined:

  • Triggers, which are the mechanism by which Marketo reacts to prospects actions and other prospects related events (such as when a prospect data field is updated). Triggers are used to start flows of actions. the combinations of one (or a few) trigger and some actions is a smart campaign
  • personalized / dynamic content, which is Marketo feature by which the Marketer using Marketo can create content that fits various situations

In your case, you could just prepare a few emails and a few smart campaign that just do something such as "if someone completes some data, send him an email asking him to complete an action"

You could also prepare a smart campaign that selects a list of people and send them en email with the following rule: if the lead has completed his profile, send him email A (with a CTA to the actions), otherwise, send him email B (with another CTA). This will be a batch smart campaign, wince it does not react to an event, like triggers do, but let you select some leads in you Database and launch a flow of actions to this target list.

Finally, you could use an even more sophisticated feature, as per Conor's proposition above, that combines both a segmentation of your DB (creation of self maintained segments in a segmentation that split you database) and dynamic content, which are single emails which content is changed automatically based on the segment a lead belongs. But I strongly recommend that you do not try this technique until you are first familiar with the others.


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Re: Dynamic Customer Triggers

appreciate the info Greg