Double opt-in Process for Germany & Best Practices

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Re: Double opt-in Process for Germany & Best Practices

Thanks Dan,

As always very helpful.

Level 4

Re: Double opt-in Process for Germany & Best Practices

Hi Dan,

Based on the solution you shared with community, seems like you are suggesting to add a field "opt-in" on the form?

In Marketo GDPR doc, they are suggesting to add "Consent" field with "Yes or No" choices on the form. I am wondering if I add both "Opt-in" and "Consent" field, would that be too much for user? Or "Consent" and "Opt-in" field has the same purpose, so I can only use one field on the form? Please share with me if you have any thoughts or recommendation.



Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Double opt-in Process for Germany & Best Practices

Hi Becky - "consent" and "opt-in" fields are one in the same.  Essentially when someone "opts-in", they are giving you consent to do whatever language was next to that checkbox (marketing emails, cookie/tracking consent, etc.). 

Level 4

Re: Double opt-in Process for Germany & Best Practices

Thank you so much Dan. I was thinking "consent" and "opt-in" are basically the same. As no matter to use either of them, it will trigger to change/check the value of "unsubscribed = true or false". No to "consent" = change "unsubscribed" as "true"; or no to "opt-in" = change "unsubscribed" as "true", But I have no prove for it. Great to checked with you.

The checkbox for "Marketing emails, cookie/tracking" is another useful hint for me. As I was thinking only show "consent" field (related to marketing emails) on the form, while to show "cookie/tracking" field/option on "Privacy" webpage. 

If any of my comment doesn't make sense, please let me know:) Appreciate.


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Double opt-in Process for Germany & Best Practices

Becky - be careful on also unsubscribing these users.  I wouldn't recommend it.  Especially if you decide to implement a preference center in the future - where global opt-ins/opt-outs are no longer the default.  Instead, you should take a more granular approach when defining your smart lists - for example those that define your target audience when sending out a type of email.  For example, use a trigger like "opt-in: country newsletters" = TRUE; or "opt-in: event invitations" = TRUE.  Someone can opt-out of receiving country newsletters, but still may wish to receive emails inviting them to your events.

Level 4

Re: Double opt-in Process for Germany & Best Practices

Thanks Dan again. Another great point. Seems like you have more sophisticated set up based on different segment of marketing emails, newsletter, regular marketing emails, webinars etc. (I assumed). While right now we including all marketing emails (except operational emails). We will need to give it more thought about the possibility to implement a preference center. If it's better not to use unsubscribe, then maybe flag "Marketing suspended" field with "consent" field is a good way to go...

Level 4

Re: Double opt-in Process for Germany & Best Practices

However, for our case, even "Marketing suspended" and "unsubscribed" are perform similarly, "unsubscribed" is still from user's will, not from ours. It may bring confusion if we use "marketing suspended". Anyway, we will think about it more. Thank you!

Level 3

Re: Double opt-in Process for Germany & Best Practices

Hi Dan,

Really appreciate your post here! I looked into how to create the "last touch campaign" - and found below on a different thread- wanted to know if this is how you approached this as well?

If each marketing campaign you want to track is it's own program, you could define a token at the program level then build a flow step in to populate the SFDC field with this token when a lead becomes a program member or achieves a certain status.

If you integrate this as part of your campaigns that assign program statuses, then it would be quite simple to maintain. Only extra step would be updating the token name when you clone your programs.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Double opt-in Process for Germany & Best Practices

Hi Tammy - whenever we track engagement within a program, we include a variety of CDV flow steps - here are four of them:


So if this person filled out a form to download content and opted-in - which would then trigger the "process opt-in requests" smart campaign - the program name now contained in the "last touch program" field would be used to populate the "opt-in program" name.

Level 3

Re: Double opt-in Process for Germany & Best Practices

Hi Dan,

I went ahead and did the change data values per your screen shot- what I'm not sure about is the Step 4 in the "Process Opt - in requests" The program opt in = {{lead.last touch program}} - is this a manually created token on each program level within Marketo- if so what gets populated in the token- the token {{}}? I'm a bit confused here