Does Marketo Intelligently Send Follow-up email based on previous interest?

Level 2

Does Marketo Intelligently Send Follow-up email based on previous interest?

Hi everyone,

My story is on my landing page, I provide 3 different links. X links to a webinar, Y links to a blog, Z links to another report.

Question is:If someone clicks on X, then we want to send email Y and email Z in the following weeks.

If someone clicks on Y, then we want to send email X and email Z in the following weeks.

If someone clicks on Z, then we want to send email X and email Y in the following weeks.

Do you know how to do this?

Thank you very much!


Level 6 - Champion Alumni

Re: Does Marketo Intelligently Send Follow-up email based on previous interest?

H Suzy, you can do this by using Trigger  Smart Campaigns. In your Smart List, you can use the Clicks Link on Web Page filter and add the constraint Web Page is. The Web Page name will be your Landing Page name and the link will be which link from the landing page you're wanting to send the email based on.

In your Flow step you can choose a Wait step that will wait a certain time frame (hours, days, weeks, etc.) or until a certain date. Then you can use the Send Email Flow step to send the follow-up email. Once everything is finalized, on the Schedule tab, you can select Activate. You can do this for each of the link scenarios you described above.

Level 2

Re: Does Marketo Intelligently Send Follow-up email based on previous interest?

Thank you Natalie. This is very helpful. We followed your instruction and figured it out:-)