Do I really need a form?

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Do I really need a form?

Can someone give me the answer to the scenario below?

I send an email blast to a specific list of recipients(Leads) and the call to action is to download a white paper from a specific landing page -not a marketo landing page but a landing page with munchkin code. When an email recipient clicks on a link within the email, they are directed to landing page, where the white paper is hosted along with a link to a secondary document. Can Marketo track specific lead (email recipient) who clicked through to the secondary document without a form fill? Or do I need to create a form? I'm thinking Marketo should be able to track the secondary click on the landing page, as it should know the visit was generated from a specific email recipient. I don't want to create unnecessary landing pages if they are already in my database. I just need to track their actions, after each email I send to them.

Can someone please advise?



Level 10

Re: Do I really need a form?

Hi Susana,

If the people who click the links in the email and later click on the URL in the page are the sameone who have been sent the email, Marketo will track all the clicks.

The problem will arise if people are forwarding the emails one to another. For instance, if the email is sent to A, who forwards it to B. If B clicks and if B is unknown to Marketo, Marketo will think that A is clicking. Furthermore, all clicks and navigation done by B in the future will be recorded as A, until B fills out a form.

And of course, for this to work you will also need that people have not activated DNT nor navigating privately.


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Re: Do I really need a form?

Thanks makes sense☺