Discard Email Draft by Id via REST API not working

Not applicable

Discard Email Draft by Id via REST API not working

I am trying to use the delete email api call​. That is currently returns :

Screen Shot 2016-05-06 at 12.01.19 PM.png\

When I look up the email's status I get this:

Screen Shot 2016-05-06 at 11.56.48 AM.png

Any help would be great.

Level 10

Re: Discard Email Draft by Id via REST API not working

Hi Aaron,

Are you sure the mail has a draft ?

You should may be start with a "Get email by ID" with a draft status.


Not applicable

Re: Discard Email Draft by Id via REST API not working

Yes, if you look at the second image the email is in draft status.

Level 10

Re: Discard Email Draft by Id via REST API not working

In the UI, the "discard draft" works only for approved emails with a draft, not for draft emails. May be this is the cause here as well.


Not applicable

Re: Discard Email Draft by Id via REST API not working

In the UI if you try to delete an approved email u get this response:Screen Shot 2016-05-06 at 12.31.41 PM.png

Level 10

Re: Discard Email Draft by Id via REST API not working

Indeed, but that's an approved email you are trying to delete.

  1. Not approved email (first darft in the life of this email) --> can be deleted, but the draft cannot be discarded
  2. Approved email without draft -> need to be unapproved, then can be deleted (as in 1). Discard draft does not apply
  3. Approved email with draft -> the draft can be discarded OR the email can be unapproved and deleted.

I suspect you are in case 1 or 2.
