I am having an difficult time technically conceptualizing how to set up my Demographic Score campaigns.
Currently, I have it set up so that all my demographic campaigns have scheduled recurrences so that they score daily. And a flow step, for example, looks like: "If Job Title is Director, +5 to Demographic Score".
But I realize that if I schedule a recurrence, then the Demographic Score for a lead with a Job Title equal to "Director" would increase by 5 points every day, which is NOT what I want.
I have set up a recurrence to account for the case where a lead's Title isn't populated (NULL) but then on future forms they fill this information out, or we manually enter it in at some point, or if they're Title changes at some point.
I also considered setting these Demographic Score campaigns up as trigger campaigns, using the trigger "Lead is Created" or "Data Value Changes" and the filter "Job Title is not empty". But I stil run into the issue wherein a lead may have its Title changed multiple times; the flow step would keep adding points to the Demographic Score for Title instead of "updating" it.
I would have the flow step just change the Demographic Score to an absolute number, but I can't because there are other components that go into the Demographic (Title, Budget, Company Revenue, etc.).
I feel like this should be much simpler but I can't seem to figure it out. Any help much appreciated!