Deleting Lead in Marketo Keeping it in SalesForce

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Deleting Lead in Marketo Keeping it in SalesForce

If I delete a lead in Marketo does anything happen in SalesForce? If I want the lead to stay in SalesForce do I need to do anything specific?

We have lots of duplicate leads from a bad list import. Many of these are contacts that already exist in SalesForce. I want to keep them in SalesForce but delete them from Marketo so that I can clean up the list and re-import. At this point none of them have any data since they've only just been uploaded so I would not lose any beneficial information. Any advice would be appreciated!
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Re: Deleting Lead in Marketo Keeping it in SalesForce

Hi Chelsea,
hope that helps:


Best regards

Level 9

Re: Deleting Lead in Marketo Keeping it in SalesForce

When you use the "Delete Lead" option in Marketo, it will ask if you want to delete it from the CRM. Just make sure that's set to "False" and you should be good.
Level 10

Re: Deleting Lead in Marketo Keeping it in SalesForce

However, if you delete records in Marketo but not in Salesforce, they will flow back into Marketo the next time the records are updated in SFDC. 

How were the dupes created? If you imported in Marketo, they should have been deduped by email address. If you imported into SFDC, you may have created dupes. However, then you probably also want to delete the records from SFDC? 
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Re: Deleting Lead in Marketo Keeping it in SalesForce

Hi Jep,

That's actually the problem- there aren't duplicate leads in SF, only in Marketo. We're not sure why the deduplicate process didn't work because they have the same email address. There's too many for us to manually merge so we thought it'd be best to just delete the list, verify that there are no duplicates on it, and re-import them into Marketo.
Level 10

Re: Deleting Lead in Marketo Keeping it in SalesForce

That's strange, I would run it by our tech support team, so you can find out why the dupes were created in the first place. If those dupes are not in SFDC (the field "SFDC Type" is empty), then you can safely delete them from Marketo, without any impact on SFDC. 
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Re: Deleting Lead in Marketo Keeping it in SalesForce

It's possible they have two Salesforce IDs, even though there is only one in Salesforce. At one point in time, perhaps the lead got deleted from Salesforce and then re-entered into Salesforce under a differnet lead ID.

I would check to see if the dupes have two differnet lead IDs and run a few sync tests first. Then when you can find the duped lead, you'll have to use the "Delete Lead from SFDC" function, which will delete the SFDC Lead ID and you can merge manually  with the Marketo lead or delete. One way to do this is to create a new field in SFDC, maybe called "Exists in SFDC" and mark as true. When that syncs back over to Marketo, look to see what leads are not "Exists in SFDC = TRUE" and delete the others.

It's not too time-consuming - especially if that's the reason dupes are being created !

Hope this helps!
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Re: Deleting Lead in Marketo Keeping it in SalesForce

Thanks Jep for your answer! Quick follow up question, if the lead get's deleted in marketo, stays in SFDC you said that it will be reentered into Marketo if the lead is updated in SFDC? Is it just any update to any field? 

Level 10

Re: Deleting Lead in Marketo Keeping it in SalesForce

@Christopher: yes, any update to the record in SFDC that causes the "updated" date to change. The Marketo-SFDC sync looks for updated records, regardless which field caused the update. 
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Re: Deleting Lead in Marketo Keeping it in SalesForce

Hey guys,

The last step here is that you need to have Marketo create a custom sync between SFDC and Marketo using a particular field. We used the boolean field 'Hide From Marketo.'

When 'Hide From Marketo' = True, then Salesforce and Marketo cannot sync this record (in either direction).

The default 'Hide From Marketo' = False, allows for full sync.

So if you need to delete from Marketo, but keep it in Salesforce - mark the field 'Hide From Marketo' = TRUE, wait until it syncs to SFDC (I usually wait 24 hours) and then delete from Marketo (delete from CRM = False).

Good luck!