Deleted lead receiving emails

Marketo Employee

Re: Deleted lead receiving emails

I would second this.  It's extremely difficult to verify without obtaining an original of the email which initiated it, however.

Not applicable

Re: Deleted lead receiving emails

Sometimes it helps to merge wording like this email was sent to 'email

address' in the emails

That way you can track such kind of email forwarding

If it is not desired merge email address in a html comments code part of

the footer.

We did that in past


On Dec 7, 2015 9:35 AM, "Kenny Elkington" <>

Level 10

Re: Deleted lead receiving emails

If you're not able to find any similar addresses, then, as Kenny says below, the only other option would be to get the lead to save a copy of the email they're receiving, attach it to a message, and send it to you.  They can't just forward it, as you need to have the headers intact from when it was sent to them from Marketo.  Then we can look at those headers to see where it's coming from.
