I'm willing to bite on an interesting use case. In this example the form is a standard Marketo form, and on the follow up page they've added a bit of jQuery to customize the results. (replaced *script* with ***** in order not to break the community)
<****** type="text/javascript">
// use no conflict mode for jQuery
var $jQ = jQuery.noConflict();
$jQ(document).ready(function() {
var dspend;
var spendval=1;
var daudit;
var auditval=1;
var dloc;
var locval=1;
var dcarrier;
var carrierval=0;
var dinvoice;
var invoiceval=0;
var spend= $jQ('#Monthy_Telecom_Spend').attr('value');
if (spend == 1) { dspend = 'Less Than $10,000'; spendval=25;}
if (spend == 2) { dspend = '$10,001-$25,000'; spendval=20;}
if (spend == 3) { dspend = '$25,001-$50,000'; spendval=20;}
if (spend == 4) { dspend = '$50,001-$10,000'; spendval=15;}
if (spend == 5) { dspend = 'Greater than $100,000'; spendval=15;}
var audit= $jQ('#Date_of_Last_Telco_Audit').attr('value');
if (audit == 1) { daudit = 'Less than 1 year'; auditval=50;}
if (audit == 2) { daudit = '1-3 years'; auditval=80;}
if (audit == 3) { daudit = 'More than 3 years'; auditval=100;}
var loc= $jQ('#NumberOfLocations').attr('value');
if (loc == 1) { dloc = 'Less than 10'; locval=0;}
if (loc == 2) { dloc = '10-50'; locval=3;}
if (loc == 3) { dloc = 'More than 50'; locval=6;}
var carrier = $jQ('#Num_Carriers_Managed').attr('value');
if (carrier == 1) { dcarrier = '1-5'; carrierval=17280;}
if (carrier == 2) { dcarrier = '6-10'; carrierval=23040;}
if (carrier == 3) { dcarrier = 'More than 10'; carrierval=34560;}
var invoice= $jQ('#Num_Invoices_Managed').attr('value');
if (invoice == 1) { dinvoice = '1-10'; invoiceval=11520;}
if (invoice == 2) { dinvoice = '11-25'; invoiceval=23040;}
if (invoice == 3) { dinvoice = '26-50'; invoiceval=34560;}
if (invoice == 4) { dinvoice = 'More than 50'; invoiceval=46080;}
var savings= (spendval* (auditval/100)) + locval ;
var cost = carrierval + invoiceval ;
var strCost=cost.toString();
strCost=strCost.substring(0,2) +","+strCost.substring(2) ;
</******>Great example of using math on a landing page!!! Well done Sierra. PS- to vCOM, you're not using Google Analytics!