We have Dynamics and Marketo integrated, but we are trying to figure out the best way to get a Dynamics task queued up to our sales team based on an action in Marketo (form submit). Since there is no "create task" function for Dynamics like there is with SalesForce, has anyone figured out a work around?
I think a work around might be to use the webhook feature in marketo to call the MSDynamics Webhook that creates a task. Just a guess though as I have not set this up myself. I believe this will be the best way to do and I am pretty sure it will work for web facing MSDynamics deployments
You could also build a workflow in CRM that creates a task based on a field updating on the lead or contact record from Marketo.
Thanks Kristen – we tried doing the workflow based on a new field that we created, however, the information isn’t syncing from Marketo to Dynamics, so I was trying to see if there were any other alternatives.
Stephanie Dvorak | Senior Graphic Designer | Brokers International
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Hello Stephanie!
Not sure if you have solved this yet - I echo Kristen's suggested approach with a new custom field (which you need to define first in Dynamics, then sync into Marketo). I have used this approach in the past to trigger change owner on records that have been sync'd since there is no change owner flow step in Marketo for Dynamics.
Happy to send along screen shots if they would help!
We were able to get this semi-started. I had started down the path of creating these fields, but found that we had major sync issues that needed to be fixed before we could continue. We are on the slow path of finally automating our task creation from form submissions. Thanks!
I'm interested in this too, as we want to be able to create a task in Dynamics for sales to follow up an activity. I prefer the idea of a webhook to that of changing a custom field, as presumably the webhook could allow us to send more than one field's worth of data to Dynamics for the creation of the task.
Did you get anywhere with this?
Erica Harris Did you end up creating the webhook? What was your outcome?