Creating a New Lead for an Existing Contact record in SFDC

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Creating a New Lead for an Existing Contact record in SFDC

Is there a way for Marketo to create new leads for an existing contact record in salesforce? I believe this is not possible since Marketo dedups based on the email address and doing it this way may cause major duplication issues in Marketo.

Our end goal is to track the MQL lead conversion for lead records only in SFDC. So anyone who is an existing contact record would than have a new lead created for them and would MQL. Sales would then merge the exisiting contact record with the new lead together.

Does anyone have any recommendations on this? Are there other alternatives to get the MQL lead conversion report without having to create a new lead?

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Creating a New Lead for an Existing Contact record in SFDC

You can create a new lead for contacts by assigning to a SFDC queue. Contacts can't be owned by queues so Marketo would create a duplicate record on the lead object. Its not recomended but can be done.

You should think about creating a custom field for Contact Status and map Lead Status values to this. This way you can see leads and contacts through the funnel.

Also, impliment a new inquiry task process in SFDC and add your lead status pick list values in here. Build this task process into your Marketo flows. When an existing lead/contact shows renewed interest a task is generated for your lead/contact owner. Train sales to handel Tasks as new leads with SLAs.

Some options for you.
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Re: Creating a New Lead for an Existing Contact record in SFDC

Hi Edward! Appreciate the response! I'll definitely try this out!
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Re: Creating a New Lead for an Existing Contact record in SFDC

Hi Michelle or anyone,

Did this suggestion work for you? I'm having a similar issue and posted a new discussion on this today:

Any feedback would be much appreciated!


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Re: Creating a New Lead for an Existing Contact record in SFDC

Hi Edward,

What do you mean exactly when you say you can "create a new lead for contacts by assigning to a SFDC queue"?  I'd like to do this, but am not sure where to go to set this up.
