Count of leads in wait steps

Not applicable

Count of leads in wait steps

I'm having a brain freeze! I have 3 nurturing streams running (requested campaigns), each has 4 email sends with wait steps in between. Before each send I remove leads that meet certain leads from the flow. How do I find out how many people are sitting in each wait step? I somehow came up with this number 3 months ago when I did a report on the program but now can't remember how I figured it out!  Thanks in advance.
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Level 4

Re: Count of leads in wait steps

You can see this if you click on a Smart Campaign and then look in the Status window to the right.


Is that what you were referring to?
Not applicable

Re: Count of leads in wait steps

YES! Thanks Bruce - feel stupid for not seeing that!  One more question - is there any way to see how many are in each wait step? For instance, how many are waiting between Email #1 and Email #2,  and between #2 and #3? I have 3 waits steps in the campaign.
Level 5

Re: Count of leads in wait steps

Alisa, there's a way to see who qualified for a wait step and when if you look at the Run History tab. You'll see something like this:


In this case the Leads Qualified represent how many leads were put in that wait step on that particular day.

It doesn't necessarily resolve how many leads are in each wait step, however, but it's still useful as a starting point 
Level 4

Re: Count of leads in wait steps

deleted my reply....someone posted at same time as me, with a better answer  🙂
Not applicable

Re: Count of leads in wait steps

Thanks Bruce and Scott! Very helpful.