Hi Breno,
It is just an example for setting clock count 00:00 to 24:00. Actually I would use DateTime.UtcNow to be the latestUpdatedAt for the first request at mid-night of each day. And the oldestUpdatedAt would be the timestamp a day ago.
The total number of the data would be around 100000, so I would send request for many times.
For each request, I would get a streamPosition like "id:101056:to:1390809617:tl:1390896017:os:2000:rc:56087".
I guess it means that I have got 2000 records including data of this request with the max id 101056, and have 56087 records remaining. "to" and "tl" should be the oldestUpdatedAt and latestUpdatedAt values.
Sometimes, before sending this streamPosition to next request for the next 1000 records, some of the 2000 records I have got would be updated, and its UpdatedAt timestamp would be later than "tl". Then, I want to make sure my next request would take me the exact next 1000 records after the id 101056, no matter whether the 2000 records I have got have been updated or not. Is it right?
"to" and "tl" timestamps would be set in LeadSelector again and again and would not change utill the "rc" is 0. So it's enough for me to keep the parameter "streamPosition" having the correct id, right?