Converting a Lead owned by a queue

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Converting a Lead owned by a queue

I have a situation where a lead being synced into SFDC due to lead scoring is assigned to a queue, where reps then take ownership of the lead for follow up. The challenge is, if further scoring actions or a direct inquiry takes place, there appears to be no way for Marketo to convert that queue-owned lead to a Contact and assign it to a rep.

Is there any worka round for this?
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Re: Converting a Lead owned by a queue

Hi Tom,
Salesforce does not allow contacts to be in queues. As a workaround, could you assign the lead to a owner and then convert it?

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Re: Converting a Lead owned by a queue

Thanks for the response, Will.

The way the flow works, when a Lead is considered an MQL, it is sent over to SFDC where a Lead assignment rule kicks it into a queue. The BDR reps then takes ownership of each record as they have time to follow up.

The challenge occurs when, while in the queue, a direct inquiry action takes place, elevating the MQL to an SAL, which means the record should be converted to a Contact and assigned to a Sales rep. So it's not that I need a Contact to be owned by a queue, it's that I need to convert a Lead to a Contact that is currently owned by that queue.
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Re: Converting a Lead owned by a queue

Anyone know of a way to contend with this?