Conditional Form Fields On Own Website

Level 1

Conditional Form Fields On Own Website

I am trying to embed a Marketo form on my Drupal website. The embed works fine, but I am wanting to use a conditional form field. I can get the field to show up conditionally but none of the select options appear. I have the options set up on the back end, but for some reason they aren't appearing on my website. I've tried using the custom Javascript that Marketo recommends but no luck. Was wondering if anyone has run into a similar issue and if they found a work-around? 

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Re: Conditional Form Fields On Own Website

Hey David,
Could you provide a link to the page with this form on it so I could take a look at the HTML?

Also, where did you find the Marketo Recommended JS?

Level 1

Re: Conditional Form Fields On Own Website

Hi Will - 

Here is a link to the form on our test website you can see that "Partner Type" appears if you select "Partner With Star2Star" from the "Are you looking to?" dropdown menu but the options don't show. I have the options set up on the back end, but they don't populate the select menu. 

I found the recommened JS on this page: Marketo support sent that to me to try on our site. 

Marketo Employee

Re: Conditional Form Fields On Own Website

Hi David,

This is a forms 2.0 form, and that code is intended for Forms 1.  Forms 2 has this functionality natively via visibility rules:
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Re: Conditional Form Fields On Own Website

This functionality is possible within the Forms 2.0 editor as described here:

Did you try this before you went to the custom option?

Level 1

Re: Conditional Form Fields On Own Website

Well that's what I did originally and it wasn't working, but I just tried it again (deleted the question and redid it) and it's working now! So it seems to be solved for the moment. Thanks!