Comparing two smart lists- issue

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Comparing two smart lists- issue

Hi everyone,

I'm having a hard time figuringout where I'm going wrong with my logic so hoping someone here can shed some light on what I can do to fix it.

I recently found out through our possible duplicates smartlist that someone had uploaded a list into salesforce twice and despite the second list being deleted in salesforce it still exists in Marketo. The other issue is that one of the lists has approximately 40 people more than the other so I am trying to use smartlists to compare the two using the following logic:

Member of Smart List is OOW 2014


Member of Smartlist not in OOW 2015 incorrect

However when I run this all members of the first smartlist list display and I cannot figue out why.

Does anyone have any idea where I'm going wrong or how I can fix this?


Level 10

Re: Comparing two smart lists- issue

This might sound silly, but are all of the people in your first list definitely in your second list?

Is your end goal to delete people who are in OOW 2015 incorrect, but keep them if they're in OOW 2014? To identify who these people are, I'd say "Member of Smart List is OOW 2015 incorrect"


"Member of Smart List not in OOW 2014"

If I'm misunderstanding, if you could highlight who you want to keep and who you want to discard, that would be helpful.

Level 8 - Champion Alumni

Re: Comparing two smart lists- issue

I think Dory answers your question regarding the smart lists, as for the leads still being in Marketo after being deleted from SFDC, that is by default, when a lead is deleted from SFDC they remain in MKTO, but the field in MKTO 'Deleted from SFDC' will now be true.