Coding for Soap API authentication

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Coding for Soap API authentication

I am trying to use the soap API to authenticate.  I am using Progress OpenEdge to write my program.  I am having problems figuring out both the url to use and syntax for passing the authentication header.  In looking at the java, php and ruby examples they all have slight differences that quite frankly are confusing me in terms of the url that is being used.

In OpenEdge the basic concept for a connnection is as follows:


hWebService:CONNECT("-WSDL 'http://urlToConnectTo?WSDL'" + parm1 + parm2).

Should I be using as the url or should I be using the endpoint url from the Admin, Web Service settings? Also I'm not sure how to pass the parameters.  All the examples use different syntax so it's not clear as to how I would pass them on a url.  I've created a parameter with the full header in xml format but that isn't working.  The Ruby example seems to be the closest in syntax to what I want to do but in that example the url is completely different (see below).

Ruby example:

client = Savon.client(wsdl: '', soap_header: headers, endpoint: marketoSoapEndPoint, open_timeout: 90, read_timeout: 90, namespace_identifier: :ns1, env_namespace: 'SOAP-ENV')

Any insight would be appreciated.


Marketo Employee

Re: Coding for Soap API authentication

You should always obtain the WSDL from the following pattern: Your SOAP API URL from Admin->Web Services + "?WSDL"  The other URLs are only available for legacy reasons.