Cloning campaign assets and resulting corrupted styles

Level 2

Cloning campaign assets and resulting corrupted styles

We have been cloning our campaigns multiple times and have been finding some odd variations showing up like: multiple fonts in the new asset, different font sizes, borders around buttons that were not there before.   Has anyone had this issue?  How have you fixed it?
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Re: Cloning campaign assets and resulting corrupted styles

We clone programs frequently, but haven't experienced any corruption yet.  Are you seeing this in the email or landing page assets or both?
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Re: Cloning campaign assets and resulting corrupted styles

I work closely with Terry on campaign development. The issues experienced thus far pertain only to the emails. In speaking with someone with greater knowledge of HTML code, what is happening is that when we replace the content within the cloned email with the new content, the previous styles are remaining and new styles are adding on top of rather than replacing. The result is a lot of junk code getting built up in the HTML.
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Re: Cloning campaign assets and resulting corrupted styles

If you are copying content from a source that uses HTML for formatting (e.g. web page, Microsoft Word, etc.) and paste it into the Email Designer, you will add the HTML code to the existing CSS code associated with the email template and that can cause all sorts of craziness.  You should always strip off the HTML formatting first before pasting it into the Email Designer such as by pasting into Notepad and copying it from Notepad.
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Re: Cloning campaign assets and resulting corrupted styles

Just to add to this, if you're doing a full clone of a Marketo program it should be doing a complete copy of the asset. If you have a case where it changes during the clone process please reach out to support.

If you're cloning and then manually replacing the content, it may be more what Elliott is talking about.