Re: Cloned Module Carrying Over Button Links

Level 2

Cloned Module Carrying Over Button Links

I have an email with a "two articles" section which has a CTA button for each article. I then cloned this section so I could have four articles total.

When I make the button link in one module, it carries over to the cloned module, even though I want them to have different button links. How do I have unique links for each button in a cloned module?

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Level 10 - Community Advisor

Re: Cloned Module Carrying Over Button Links

You'll need to set this at the template level. Your variable needs to be set to global or local via the mktoModuleScope.

You'll want your modules to have variables that have mktoModuleScope="true"

See Email Template Syntax - Marketo Docs - Product Documentation

Level 2

Re: Cloned Module Carrying Over Button Links


I’m trying to figure out where in the HTML code to add mktoModuleScope="true"

I’ve tried a couple of places, but it hasn’t worked so far. Any advice?

Sophia Sellars | Digital Marketing Coordinator

National Association of Corporate Directors

Direct: 571-367-3688

Level 10 - Community Advisor

Re: Cloned Module Carrying Over Button Links

Add it at the end of your variable declarations in the header


<meta class="mktoBoolean" id="mktNoTok" mktoName="Disable Marketo Token?" default="false" false_value="" true_value="mktNoTok" false_value_name="NO" true_value_name="YES" mktoModuleScope="true"> 

Level 2

Re: Cloned Module Carrying Over Button Links

Got it, thanks!

Sophia Sellars | Digital Marketing Coordinator

National Association of Corporate Directors

Direct: 571-367-3688