Change Data Value - Text instead of Record ID

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Change Data Value - Text instead of Record ID

Good Afternoon!

Has anyone been able to do a workaround to needing to select a Record ID (Salesforce) as the filter or value? This will be the primary way we will be filtering to do our campaigns and segmentation. I don't want the team to have to have a list of all of the record id's and the associated values to do filtering. Any assistance is appreciated.


Level 10

Re: Change Data Value - Text instead of Record ID

HI Amanda,

For filters, it is quite easy, you will have to add a "record name" field in the lead and/or contact object in SFDC. This "record name" could be a formula or a text field, populated with APEX triggers in SFDC. Instead of filtering on the lookup field (the one that contains the ID), you will filter on that "Name" field. Formulas work very well if the name of the lookup record never or almost never change. This is normally the case with record types. APEX triggers are better if the name of the lookup record may change, but is far more complex to develop.

For data value change flow step values, there is no easy method...
