How do I change the colour of hyperlink text in the latest version of Marketo? I used to write text-decoration: none in the old hyperlink editor but the new version doesn't seem to have anything more than the following options:
Hi Jessica Matthews,
You can do that but going to the HTML and edit the anchor tag:
Open the HTML code by click on the highlighted link and then move to the anchor tag and add style tag there:
Hope this helps.
The easiest way is to highlight the text after you placed the link and then change the colour to the required colour (you can add custom colours which remain).
I can't post a screenshot as I have reverted to the legacy one and don't want top freak out my users
If you go into the code itself, text-decoration is just for the underline or not.
text-decoration:none; OR text-decoration:underline;
The correct code should be like this (put your colour hex-code below)
<a style="color: #53bbd4; text-decoration:none;" href="YOUR LINK HERE">Dummy Text you want hyperlinked</a>