Champion Tips and Tricks with Brooke Bartos

Level 10

Re: Champion Tips and Tricks with Brooke Bartos

Some great fundamentals here that are often missed! Always surprised at how many people don't check/change the auto-generated text version (note this can be risky as it won't necessarily pull through your whole email correctly - especially if you're using variables to populate some sections).

Level 10

Re: Champion Tips and Tricks with Brooke Bartos

Love all the Tips and Tricks.  Always great to remind and inform.

Level 4

Re: Champion Tips and Tricks with Brooke Bartos

Good reminder to pay attention to the text version

Level 6 - Champion Alumni

Re: Champion Tips and Tricks with Brooke Bartos

Tokens are such a game changer when you're trying to scale!

Level 6 - Champion Alumni

Re: Champion Tips and Tricks with Brooke Bartos

I often find them to be neglected or forgotten. And even people who were taught to make the changes don't necessarily know why or what it means in the inbox!

Level 6 - Champion Alumni

Re: Champion Tips and Tricks with Brooke Bartos

Don't forget the fundamentals! No matter how complex your marketing efforts become, if you neglect the basics you could be missing your easy wins and the little pieces that are the building blocks for long-term success.

Level 2

Re: Champion Tips and Tricks with Brooke Bartos

I like the tip about making the plain text version of the email easy to read.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Champion Tips and Tricks with Brooke Bartos

It's so easy to forget to make sure the plain text email looks nice! Good reminder to have that as part of your overall checklist.

Level 10

Re: Champion Tips and Tricks with Brooke Bartos

Tokens, Tokens, and more Tokens! Yessss!

Level 3

Re: Champion Tips and Tricks with Brooke Bartos

Love tokens. Pre-header tip was good.