Champion and Challengers: Champion Distribution at 0%?

Level 1

Champion and Challengers: Champion Distribution at 0%?

Has anyone set up an A/B (champion/challenger) subject line test for an email only to find the challengers are the only versions being distributed? The champion is not sending. Can't seem to figure out why -- could it be something in the way I set the test up? Anyone have any ideas? Thank you! 

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Level 6 - Champion Alumni

Re: Champion and Challengers: Champion Distribution at 0%?

Your distribution is sent to Champion 0%, with 100% being Challenger. Your email then will be distributed to each of the Challengers equally, for 100% of your qualified audience. Essentially, this setup ignores the Champion as an option. Here's a link to the docs.marketo on setup for testing: Champion/Challenger: Subject Line - Marketo Docs - Product Documentation