Can you upload a list from Salesforce to Marketo without Marketo syncing the leads back into SFDC?

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Can you upload a list from Salesforce to Marketo without Marketo syncing the leads back into SFDC?

I'm trying to run an email campaign in Marketo, but for some reason the report of people I'm running in Salesforce does not match the smart list I'm building in Marketo, even though the parameters are the same.  So is it possible to just export the report from Salesforce to upload into Marketo, without having Marketo upload the leads back into Salesforce as if they are new leads?

Level 9 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Can you upload a list from Salesforce to Marketo without Marketo syncing the leads back into SFDC?

Doing this will potentially create duplicates. Instead - add the email addresses which you have in the SFDC report to Marketo smart list in the filter Email Address is, to see how much of your SFDC records actually exist in Marketo. The rest may be in SFDC and not in Marketo, or there could be more scenarios. However, if those records don't exist in Marketo - you would want to explore that why didn't they sync back instead of creating new records.

Level 10

Re: Can you upload a list from Salesforce to Marketo without Marketo syncing the leads back into SFDC?

It's always possible. One quick way it to upload the data in Marketo without a field that is required for SFDC insertion. e.g. Company name.

Always upload in Marketo in a static list. Then use the "Person was created" filter with a "List" constraint to detect all the leads that were created during the import (vs. these that were merged).

But honestly, my first approach would be to troubleshoot and solve the discrepancies between the 2 systems, as fixing it a the core will go a longer way than the upload.
