Can you track embedded form views?

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Can you track embedded form views?

I am trying to find out where the data is that tracks how many times a form has been viewed so we can do some A/B testing on conversion rates. I feel like this is going to be a facepalm moment 😛

Does anyone know where I can find this data?
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Level 9 - Champion Alumni

Re: Can you track embedded form views?

I don't think you can do this. You can track how many leads have viewed the landing page(s) that the form lives on (assuming you have the munchkin code on that page).

For Marketo-created Landing Pages, you can see the number of Views but this same option isn't available for forms. 
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Re: Can you track embedded form views?

That is a bummer. Well, it will end up taking some manual work to combine the numbers into a separate report, but I have added an Event to our Google Analytics that will track how many times an embedded form is viewed in the Event area of Google Analytics (we are using the analytics.js version). We can then take this data and figure out some conversion rates and do some A/B testing. Below is what I put after the Marketo Javascript Embed. Incase anyone else is interested 🙂

    Marketo JS here
    ga('send', 'event', 'Marketo Form', 'Form Displayed', 'NameOfFormHere');
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Re: Can you track embedded form views?

As Adam mentioned this is current not possible. Can you submit this as an idea?