Can we create editable banner in email template level (editable text on image keeping image link as variable input), if yes please let me know how to build it

Level 1

Can we create editable banner in email template level (editable text on image keeping image link as variable input), if yes please let me know how to build it

Can we create editable banner in email template level (editable text on image keeping image link as variable input), if yes please let me know how to build it

Level 8 - Community Advisor

Re: Can we create editable banner in email template level (editable text on image keeping image link as variable input), if yes please let me know how to build it

Create a variable for the banner image link and use the variable in the HTML code. Following steps should work:

  • Declare the variable in the meta tag:
    <meta class="mktoString" id="banner_link" mktoName="Banner Image Link" default="">
  • Use this variable in the HTML of the banner image:
    <img src="${banner_link}" alt="my banner image" />

Or you can define this banner image as an element like below:

<div class="mktoImg" id="banner_img" mktoName="Banner Image" mktoImgLink="">

<a><img style="border:10px solid red;"></a>


The second option will give you ability to select the image directly from the marketo's image library and also allow you to link the banner image to specific web-link.


Level 1

Re: Can we create editable banner in email template level (editable text on image keeping image link as variable input), if yes please let me know how to build it

Thanks Amit