Re: Can I format a form with headings and columns?

Level 3

Can I format a form with headings and columns?

I have a rather long email preference form with 15 or more subscriptions in 6 broader categories. I'd like to add a bold heading to the top of each category, and split the form into two columns.

I thought I remembered seeing javacripts that I could add to a Marketo landing page to make these things happen, but I don't see the articles anywhere. Any suggestions on how to format a Marketo form on a Marketo landing page? 
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Re: Can I format a form with headings and columns?

This article may be helpful to you:
Comments on this discussion may help as well:

Enjoy and good luck!
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Re: Can I format a form with headings and columns?

Great resource. Thanks for sharing Carol!
Level 3

Re: Can I format a form with headings and columns?

Thank you Carol, that's exactly what I was looking for to format the columns!
Now if anyone recalls the article about adding text inside the form (assuming I'm not hallucinating), my day will be complete! 
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Re: Can I format a form with headings and columns?

John, here's a few more links that may be helpful:
Level 3

Re: Can I format a form with headings and columns?

FANTASTIC! Apparently I need a tutorial on searching the community for articles. Carol, thank you so much!