You can run a php (or equivalent) script from a shell script to achieve the same effect. Something like:
$php getlead.php
Sample getlead.php:
$debug = true;
$marketoSoapEndPoint = ""; // CHANGE ME
$marketoUserId = ""; // CHANGE ME
$marketoSecretKey = ""; // CHANGE ME
$marketoNameSpace = "";
// Create Signature
$dtzObj = new DateTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles");
$dtObj = new DateTime('now', $dtzObj);
$timeStamp = $dtObj->format(DATE_W3C);
$encryptString = $timeStamp . $marketoUserId;
$signature = hash_hmac('sha1', $encryptString, $marketoSecretKey);
// Create SOAP Header
$attrs = new stdClass();
$attrs->mktowsUserId = $marketoUserId;
$attrs->requestSignature = $signature;
$attrs->requestTimestamp = $timeStamp;
$authHdr = new SoapHeader($marketoNameSpace, 'AuthenticationHeader', $attrs);
$options = array("connection_timeout" => 20, "location" => $marketoSoapEndPoint);
if ($debug) {
$options["trace"] = true;
// Create Request
$leadKey = array("keyType" => "EMAIL", "keyValue" => "");
$leadKeyParams = array("leadKey" => $leadKey);
$params = array("paramsGetLead" => $leadKeyParams);
$soapClient = new SoapClient($marketoSoapEndPoint ."?WSDL", $options);
try {
$lead = $soapClient->__soapCall('getLead', $params, $options, $authHdr);
catch(Exception $ex) {
if ($debug) {
print "RAW request:\n" .$soapClient->__getLastRequest() ."\n";
print "RAW response:\n" .$soapClient->__getLastResponse() ."\n";