Can a Marketo email sent from Salesforce be tracked without using a campaign or template?

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Can a Marketo email sent from Salesforce be tracked without using a campaign or template?

A rep sent an email blast using the Send Marketo Email button from Leads List view, but this action does not create a Salesforce activity.  How can we audit how many of these emails were sent, so we can push to Salesforce to create activities?  An email template or campaign was not used to create these emails. Thanks for any insignt I can get into this issue.
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Re: Can a Marketo email sent from Salesforce be tracked without using a campaign or template?

Hey Jennifer,

If they used the Send Marketo Email button, that means they used an email that you have in Sales Insight. You can create trigger campaigns (Trigger: Is Sent Sales Email) to look for when Sales Insight emails are sent and add them to lists, create completed activities in SFDC (which is what we do), created Interesting Moments, etc. The email should also show in the Email tab of Sales Insight, with whether they opened and/or clicked a link.

Just depends on where you want the data to show!
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Re: Can a Marketo email sent from Salesforce be tracked without using a campaign or template?

Not sure if this is what Jeff is describing but another easy way to report on this is by having a workflow that triggers based on "Is Send Sales Email" and then has a workflow that will then add them to a specific SFDC campaign with different status based on the actions they take. Hope that helps!