Campaign Trigger Sequence

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Campaign Trigger Sequence

I haven't found any info to address this specifically, so I wanted to see if anyone has encountered this or had any ideas.

I am building out a scoring campaign for our EMEA region, since they've decided to score certain activities differently than our NA scoring model. Since our scoring campaign is no longer universal, it is essential that once a lead is created, the routing assignment is the first campaign to run so that the subsequent scoring is appropriate to that region.

Is there a way, when several campaigns run concurrently upon lead creation (or lead update), to ensure that they proceed in a specific order? We've considered using wait steps, but tend to shy away from that idea since it will bog everything down and cause leads to update quite slowly. We also thought about using "request campaign" steps at the end of each campaign (ex: Step 1-->request 2-->request 3, etc). But with this, we still run into the issue of 2 and 3 running even before they are requested, and then they may run unnecessarily a second time after they've been requested.

Is there a simple and effective way to resolve this so that campaigns run sequentially? I'm pretty new with Marketo, so any tips or ideas here would be appreciated!
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Re: Campaign Trigger Sequence

Why are your scoring programs no longer universal? I understand that the scores themselves aren't but you could just add choices when scoring and add new values if they are a member of your EMEA segment. 

As for your question about running multiple programs at one time. I would suggest building a single workflow that request campaigns in order of importance with weight steps separating each additional campaign request. This allows things to run sequentially but does prevent two competing campaigns to run simultaneously. 

Hope that helps, 


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Re: Campaign Trigger Sequence

Thank you for your response.  A quick clarification
We are weighting behavior in other Geo’s differently in order to answer the bandwidth of our sales org in each geo.  The way we’re attacking this is to create score campaigns for each Geo.  Our real problem is the order in which campaigns fire and more importantly the lack of control when campaigns complete and sync.  See below.
The problem we are experiencing requesting campaigns is highlighted in the scenario below.   
We’ve found that the resources required to process and complete C2 for routing are intensive, C3 processes very quickly by contrast.  In many cases C1.F3 begins, processes, and syncs, before C1.F2 has completed and synced.
C – Campaign
F – Flow step
C1. Lead import program
    F1. Marketing or Sales Origination path
    F2. Request C2 Routing
           C2 Routing program
           F1. Ref: 40 choices, 30,000 postal codes.  Output: District
    F3. Request C3 Scoring
           C3 Scoring program
           F1.  Ref: 3 choices.  Output Token: +X
Is there an effective way to manage workflows based on when campaigns complete rather than when they start?  This way we could more easily manage the sequence in which our campaigns occur.  
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Re: Campaign Trigger Sequence

There is not a way to wait until a workflow is complete before starting the next natively. I have seen this as a request feature recently. 

I would redefine what triggers your F1 & F2. What you could do is wait for a data value to change (e.g. lead owner) and have that kick off the lead scoring instead of requesting the flow before processing has completed. 

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Re: Campaign Trigger Sequence

Good suggestion. Thanks for your help!