Blind Form Submit in Email with multiple links

Level 3

Blind Form Submit in Email with multiple links

Here's my scenario:
I have a "save the date" for a series of events coming early next year. In this email, the recipients will self-select what event they'd like to hear more about. Traditionally I would include unique blind form submits for each link and send them directly to the confirmation page. By doing this, I can easily segment our audience based on what event they would like to learn more about.

Does anyone know the best/easiest way to accomplish this?
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Re: Blind Form Submit in Email with multiple links

Hey Aubrey,
If you want your leads to see different information based on which option they pick, you can set a dynamic thank you page as described here: You will need to create a different Landing Page for each option they can select.

If you would like to send a different email based on which option they select, I would suggest to create a Smart Campaign as follows:
Smart List:
Fills out Form (trigger). 
Send Email (add choices to this flow step)

In this flow step, you will have choices such as 'If 'Event Chosen' is 'Event 1', Send Email: Event 1 Email'.  'If Event Chosen is 'Event 2', Send Email: Event 2 Email'

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Re: Blind Form Submit in Email with multiple links

Instead of dealing with any form hassles, I would build your email as described, then setup smart campaign for each option. Create a unique link for each option (if they land at the same page, append a query string value such as, then build the Smart List for each link to trigger on Clicks Link in Email. Select the email, add a constraint for Link, and paste in the full URL. From there you can process these clicks with progression statuses, adding to lists, etc. 

If you want to get a little more complex, and potentially a friendlier user experience, you may want to include the option to undo their selection on the confirmation page, or switch to one of the other options.
Level 4

Re: Blind Form Submit in Email with multiple links

I agree with Harrison - we used a similar technique to essentially have a survey within an email (in this case, which transportation method they were going to use) to gauge responses to an event without truly sending them to a page.