Batch Rename Marketo Assets?

Level 3

Batch Rename Marketo Assets?

Developed a new naming convention for all marketing assets (e.g. landing pages, emails, SmartCampaigns, et al.) I'd like to retroactively update all the prior assets to reflect the new naming convention. Is there a way to do a batch rename – for example, rename all landing pages that use "White Paper Form" to "101 Registration Page" or rename all SmartCampaigns named "Send Email" to "902 Email Send."

Level 10

Re: Batch Rename Marketo Assets?

Unfortunately, as far as I'm aware, you are unable to do this. Just a few years ago you couldn't even rename folders/programs/assets! This would be a great idea though, because it gets quite cumbersome to update everything if you change a naming convention.

Level 3

Re: Batch Rename Marketo Assets?

"you couldn't even rename folders/programs/assets!"

Wow, really‽ That must've been so frustrating.

This would be a great idea though, because it gets quite cumbersome to update everything if you change a naming convention.

My thought exactly, just starting to rename, and it's quite the task. The easiest way I've found so far is going to the actual form, and clicking each landing page in the "Used by" section to rename those. Then going to the Campaign Inspector and searching for a specific name to find SmartCampaigns to rename. Easier than looking through the tree, but definitely cumbersome, and doesn't help me with confirmation pages or emails.

Thanks for the reply!