Automate Results of Campaigns

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Automate Results of Campaigns

You know the tab Results when you are inside your campaign folder? How do I see that exact same view in Analytics and have the report automatically sent to me every week just for that 1 campaign folder? is this possible?

The Campaign Activity report is not helping. This doesnt give the same data as the Results tab. 

ps. - why is there no Category option for 'Reporting' in these Discussions????
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Re: Automate Results of Campaigns

The report you will want to use is the Email Performance Report in RCA. This is the duplication of the stats you find in the Campaign folder. You can duplicate the out of the box report, then under setup drag over the Marketing Activities Emails (if that is where the email resides), and specify which email you would like. Then create your subscription. 

PS I think this would technically fall under Revenue Cycyle Analytics, but I agree with you that there should be just a general reporting option. Add it as an idea and you got 1 like in me!
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Re: Automate Results of Campaigns

RCA? What is that? Is that in Analytics? I dont want to specify which email either - I want everything in the folder to show up just like it does on the Results tab. Right now our VP is exporting this Results tab and this is simply awful to have him be doing. I just want to automate this so it shows up in his inbox.
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Re: Automate Results of Campaigns

That is Analytics, yes. You can specify every one in the folder by selecting the folder they all reside in within the Email Filter. Then you can set up a subscription for your manager and look like a rockstar!
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Re: Automate Results of Campaigns

Ok - did this but it doesnt have the lead name or it's not what is showing in the Results tab. It doesnt matter how many people opened or clicked. They need the data of who is doing what and when.
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Re: Automate Results of Campaigns

Ah, I misunderstood, my apologies. To the best of my knowledge, there is no way to export that data via a subscription. In fact, I don't think there any reports that contain the information you are looking and are eligible for subscriptions. I think it is a short coming of the system unfortunately because that capability could have many uses. 
Level 10

Re: Automate Results of Campaigns

Hi Christina,

If I'm understanding correctly, you want to just export the data from the results tab of a campaign?  If I'm looking correctly, at the bottom of the page, you can see a refreshbutton with the double arrows, and next to it, there's an export button.  But you'll have to export it every week, so it's not an automatic thing unfortunately. 
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Re: Automate Results of Campaigns

Hi Christina, 

I'm with you about RCA - I feel like every solution I get is something to do with SFDC or RCA, neither of which my company has. I'm with Chris, I do not believe there is a way to produce a list of all the people that opened the email and clicked and what they clicked on.

It's extremely frustrating, because it was easier to find this information in MailChimp, our old ESP, than it is in Marketo. It was still a manual process, but it was possible.

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Re: Automate Results of Campaigns

Where can I get some automation around here?? I dont want to have to buy more tools just to run a simple email link performance report. EXTREMELY frustrating!