Auto Responses

Level 4

Auto Responses

Hello again!

We recently implemented some automatic email responses that basically says thank you for viewing the asset.  The email says thank you and that someone will be reaching out to them.  The email also provides rep information in case they wish to reach out before we do.

We are now wanting to build on this a bit more by:

1. adding the title of the asset they viewed

2. Add the link of the asset they viewed

3. and then finally try to incorporate another asset they might enjoy due to what they just viewed.  I believe this piece might only be available via RTP, but i am not sure.

I have thought about using Meta Data Tags for 1 & 2, but i have not had any luck on how i might be able use these so they are viewed in an email dynamically.  Was considering creating Lead Fields to house this info and it just gets updated with each asset that is viewed, but i am not quite sure how to do that.

Is this the best way to accomplish this?  Any direction is appreciated.

Level 10

Re: Auto Responses

Hi Carrie,

are your assets gated with a form or freely available? Are there web pages or content that are harder impossible to track internally such as pdf files? Are using separate programs to handle each content or one program to handle them all?

The solutions at hand are different depending on the case your are on.

If you are using separate programs, one for each content, just add tokens to your programs and use these in the email.

If you do not have separate programs, but the content are gated, the easiest is to use the fields you have created and populate them as hidden fields in the form. Then you will be able to use the fields as tokens in the follow-up email.

if they are freely available content but you can track them (typically blog articles), you can use "visits web page" trigger first to fill in the fields, then send the email using the fields as tokens.


Level 4

Re: Auto Responses

We have global assets and they are in different programs based on type of content.  So all Case Studies are in a program, Whitepapers are in a different program, etc.  We use global forms to gate content to global assets.

We use UTM Source tags to trigger on Fills out Form w/Query String in my campaign programs and we use Meta Tags to tag product for these auto responses, since we have many software options.

How would you go about making a hidden field on a form populate the asset URL so i can attach it to the lead record?

Level 10

Re: Auto Responses

Hi Carrie,

There are 3+1 way to populate a hidden field.

  • The 3 are the ones you know (cookie, referrer parameter, URL parameters/query strings)
  • The 1 is Javascript and the form 2.0 API.

You would pass the values you want in URL parameters. You could also use a JS to capture 1 query string value and compute the other ones you want.

I personally do prefer to comply with the rule 1 content = 1 program. And then you just can use program tokens to define all the info you need (content title, content download URL).


Level 4

Re: Auto Responses

We have about 300 global asset pages we use across 5 geos.  That would be a lot of programs and tokens to keep maintained.  Unfortunately we are not a tokenized company, yet.  I hope to get us there, but really not sure where to start with that huge project.  Perhaps it might need to come full circle before this piece can move forward?

Level 10

Re: Auto Responses

Hi Carrie,

That leaves only 1 approach I think: capture a content Identifier through a hidden field in the form, populated from the URL parameters (querystring). Then, in the fills out form smart campaign use that value in choices to populate custom lead fields that will contain the content title and the content URL. And use these 2 fields in the form. You will still need to run a smart campaign with a very long list of choices... Devide it in 1 smart campaign per geo and per form, i you have more than 1 global form.

Now, if you decide to move down the tokenized way, start with creating a program template that includes everything, but the form that you can leave centralized in the Design Studio. Then tokenize it if possible to a point where you do not need to edit assets after cloning. Localize that template for the various geos. Then you will be able to start replacing all you LP's, it will not be that long to do if te preparation is well done.


Level 4

Re: Auto Responses

how would you use JS to compute the other ones you want?

Level 10

Re: Auto Responses

Hi again Carrie,

With 300 possibilities, I am not sure it's the best way to go.

You would have to create a forms 2.0 API piece of code that capture the identifier of the content and populates the fields. It will take a javascript developper.


Level 4

Re: Auto Responses

i think i figured it out.  In my auto response email i just added token {{trigger.Web Page}} in order to get the page location.  All i needed to do was add the beginning of our URL address and voila.

Level 10

Re: Auto Responses

