Are you able to change the program status to "Registered" within a Go Live Deployment Event programme?

Not applicable

Are you able to change the program status to "Registered" within a Go Live Deployment Event programme?

Hi Guys, can someone help?

I have set up a Go Live Deployment Event program and have sent out one email communication asking people to register for an event. The landing page I had to use to capture event registrations sits outside Marketo, so therefore these registrations are not automatically captured in Marketo. As such I need to manually change the status of 24 people within my program member list to reflect the fact that they have registered for my event.

To do this I have created a smart cmapaign and within the smartlist section I have selected everyone who is a member of the program but with specific email addresses as a constraint - which I believe isolates the email addresses I have entered from the rest of program member list. Within the flow section I have then drag and ropped in "Change program Status" and the only options under new status that appear are "Member" and "Non-member". Am I not able to change the status to registered?

I know that we have had the option to do this within webinar Event programs, have I set up the wrong type of event program? I have tried to change it, however I am unable to edit the Event programme channel now that members have been entered, and I am worried, given that I have already sent out one email and have captured email performance reporting, that if I were to delete the members and reload them in I would lose all my campaign data.

Can someone help?



Level 10

Re: Are you able to change the program status to "Registered" within a Go Live Deployment Event programme?

Hi Mark,

It is likely that the program channel you are using only has these 2 member statuses. Program member statuses are determined by the channel you have chosen when creating the program. If you want to change it afterwards, you need to remove all "change program member status" flow steps in all smart campaigns and remove all members from the program.

Now on the way you are doing this : creating a smart list with a long list of email addresses is not necessarily the most efficient way. You may rather use a list together with a trigger "added to list" so that each time you add someone to the list, the member status is changed. You also may want to go to the "members" tab of the program, select the lead you want and hit the "change member status" button at the top of the screen.


Not applicable

Re: Are you able to change the program status to "Registered" within a Go Live Deployment Event programme?

Hi Thanks for your response.

If I remove all "change program member status" flow steps in all smart campaigns and remove all members from the program as you suggest, will I lose all the results from my first email send out?



Level 10

Re: Are you able to change the program status to "Registered" within a Go Live Deployment Event programme?

Hi Mark,

The leads will still have email sent, email delivered, click lin in email, filled out form, etc.. in their activity log, meaning you will be able to re-select them.

You can also add them to static lists "attendees", "registered" prior to removing them from the program, so that you will be able to put them back in the program after changing the channel.
