Adding Tags to the Program Analyzer

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Adding Tags to the Program Analyzer

After a year of this great functionality with my recent renewal my company has finally gotten the new 'standard' package. So suddenly I have access to Social, Analyzers, etc. So I've got lots of questions. I'll try to do some searching first, but if I have to I'll resort to asking. So here's my first....

On the setup tab of the Program Analyzer you can filter based on tags. I have created a new tag for the Business Unit a program applies to. I tagged a number of programs. But the tag never showed up in the list of tags within the Program Analyzer. Should it? Am i mistaken on how this works? 


I had another tag yesterday, but it was from testing way back when tags came out. That one was available here in the tags folder. But now when I added the new ones it doesn't appear.


As you can see here I have added the two new tags for business unit & language. Is there something I need to do in order to put them into the analyzer? I'm a bit lost. Thanks for the help!
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Re: Adding Tags to the Program Analyzer

I tried creating a new tag and found the same problem.  It may be a delay in updating the module.  How long has it been since you created the new tag?
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Re: Adding Tags to the Program Analyzer

I made it yesterday. I was wondering if it took 24 or 48 hours to updated.
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Re: Adding Tags to the Program Analyzer

Marketo support refreshed my tree cache & then it was immediately available as expected. Now I have analyzers for each business unit & each language and am READY TO ROCK & ROLL. W00t.