Adding Spaces to each Form Fields

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Adding Spaces to each Form Fields

I have a form that I want to have spacing between each fields. It shows like this:


*__Yes, you may use the information I provided on this form to send me information about these other offerings.

>Submit   >Clear

I need spacing to each field around 50px to put some text above them. I got  jQuery code below that I got to other post but I am dont know how to use this and where to put it.

 <script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript">
// use no conflict mode for jQuery
if (typeof $jQ == 'undefined') { var $jQ = jQuery.noConflict();}
  // find the form input's li element
  $AddPad = $('#Status").closest('li');
  // get the li's parent current padding value if it exists
  $curPad = parseInt($AddPad.css('padding-bottom'))  + 20;
  // set the new padding value
  $AddPad.css('padding-bottom',$curPad + 'px');
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Re: Adding Spaces to each Form Fields

The JavaScript goes within a HTML page element. Please drag from the right hand side and then drop anywhere in the landing page.

A quick glance is not very convincing the code is going to work as it is.
It may need additional handling for your Marketo, such as a CSS overriding  form.lpeRegForm ul.