Hi Susan, have you confirmed that you're using the right filters? What I would probably do is set up the filters exactly as you want them (without your CEO), then switch it to custom filters, put parentheses around the entire statement, and then outside of the parenthesis put OR [next unused filter #]. Then I'd add a filter at the very bottom of your list that says "email adress is [CEO's email address]". Once this is completed, you'll be saying "send to people who meet this critera, OR this email address". What's probably happening right now is that you're saying that ALL of the criteria have to be met (uses AND statements).
This would be my preference for a couple of reasons... your CEO probably has a unique name, but what if someone else enters who has the same name? Then you'd send that person all of the communication that your prospects receive. Also, this is the easiest way to set up a mailing with multiple criteria and one distinct criteria.