Re: Add flow comapign dynamically using API

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Level 2

Re: Add flow comapign dynamically using API

Jay Jiang​ Thanks for your answer and valuable time, its working correctly now and sending email and the reasone was it reached communication limits I made it ignore llimit.

Level 2

Re: Add flow comapign dynamically using API

Jay Jiang​ Hello Jay thanks for your answer now using Email program we can not get Email Insights ANALYTICS like smart campaign. Eg:- If we have 10 email sending and like to see graph for then in Email Program approach we need to filter one by one email program but in smart campaign approach we just need to select campaign and we can get graph for all 10 emails. Due to this I have to go only with smart campaign approach, for that need to see how to set Flow dynamically?

Following is smart campaign approach which showing chart for all email in one analysis.

smart campaign.png

Following is Email Program approach which showing chart for all email in separate analysis.

This is the disadvantage for us to get report also.

Email Program approach.png

Please suggest if you have any opinion on it.

Level 10

Re: Add flow comapign dynamically using API

Did you put the email programs under a parent program (brown folder program)? Can you try filtering for that one parent program instead of each email program

Level 2

Re: Add flow comapign dynamically using API

Jay Jiang​ Thanks for you reply. Yes, I created Email Program as a parent using brown folder only and under that as a child I created New local asset as a test email asset.

My program structure is: Marketing Activities > Test (New Campaign Folder) > Email Program3 (New Program - this is brown folder as a parent for individual email asset child) > test email asset (New local asset with Email option from pop-up - this is child email asset which has actual email template to send)

But my client need option 1 only which is smart campaign and there issue is only MANUALY need to update flow for each email asset.

As per your last question - I tried to create parent Email Program (with brown folder) and under that tried to add child Email Program (with brown folder) like:

Parent Email Program(brown folder) > Child Email Program1(brown folder) > email asset , but there is no option to add brown under brown.

Please suggest.



Level 10

Re: Add flow comapign dynamically using API

It looks like Email Insights doesn't work the same way that email performance reporting does. Currently there's no way to automatically include child Email programs of a parent program in Email insights. I think there's definitely room for an upgrade so filters work with "contains" etc...

For your knowledge, a Brown folder program is a normal program, you can add email programs as child programs in these.


Have you considered using the the Email Performance report instead of Email Insights? It summarises all child email programs in one tabular view


Level 2

Re: Add flow comapign dynamically using API

Jay Jiang​ Thanks for your continuous help. Yes, I created above structure and its giving valid email performance and email link performance reports also.

I am planing to do "Marketo Certified Associate" certification in marketo please provide me your suggestion. My email id is: