Re: Abort a Program Scheduled to Send in Recipient's Timezone?

Level 2

Abort a Program Scheduled to Send in Recipient's Timezone?

Is it possible to abort, stop emails from getting sent, in the middle of a program that has been scheduled to send in the recipient's timezone?  I've aborted the program and the scheduled sent time has not passed yet for over 90% of the recipients.  However, the Email Performance report shows all of the emails sent but not delivered.  The copy of the email was edited during the email within the24-hour window before the scheduled send.  If the emails were sent, I want to know if the recipients will receive the updated version of the email or a prior version.    


Re: Abort a Program Scheduled to Send in Recipient's Timezone?

Hi Julie,

yes it is possible. The status in the report will reflect this after the originally scheduled delivery time: "Canceled emails will not show up as a soft bounce until the time they were originally scheduled to be delivered in their respective time zones. Up until that point, they will still display as "Send Email." So what you did seems to be right.

See the docs for the details: Abort Delivery of Email Programs Scheduled with Recipient Time Zone - Marketo Docs - Product Documen...
