🗣️ [Mentor Erin Pollack] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

Level 4

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Erin Pollack] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

Good morning fellow Marketo learners.


Here's a topic for discussion... 


I was working on my Morning Routine today and happen to come across this... just thought it was interesting and wanted to share (And, possibly start a little conversation, too  😉).


Inside of Marketing Activities - there's a section called "Campaign Inspector".  It shows you which campaigns are currently running (both batch and trigger).  What I found interesting today was a new icon that popped up.  Over this past week, we've been doing a little cleanup and we've been archiving many of our older campaigns (from many years ago).  Based on a little research, it shows that this is an icon to identify whether a campaign is in the Archive folder or not (See image below).


It appears that we have trigger campaigns that are still running from old campaign.  


 So, my next step was to jump in and turn off these old campaigns.


However, I thought this may be an interesting question for the group - is there any reason to keep them on?  





Jeff Hensiek
Marketing Automation Program Manager
Level 2

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Erin Pollack] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

Thanks for sharing this, Jeff! I haven't come across Campaign Inspector before. This seems really helpful for doing clean up or when taking over a new instance that you're not familiar with.


I can't think of a reason to keep them on (depending on the age), but I'm interested to hear others thoughts. 

Level 4

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Erin Pollack] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

yes, agreed... those were my thoughts as well.


The only reason I could potentially see in keeping them is if we archived projects very quickly (e.g., day after the campaign ended) and then still wanted to track opens/clicks/etc.  However, if that were the case, I'd make the argument that the campaign is still 'in-flight' and should be still "Active".  Once the reporting phase is over, then I could see moving them to Archive.

Jeff Hensiek
Marketing Automation Program Manager
Level 3

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Erin Pollack] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

Interesting, Jeff, that there is no header for that column like there is for the other columns ("Type", "Campaign Name", etc.). As for keeping those campaigns active or not, I would think you'd need to determine that on a campaign-by-campaign basis. Tough call, but good and interesting find! 
Thanks for sharing! I was curious and looked in our instance but did not find any of those specific icons. 


Please keep us updated! 

Geoffrey Landrum, Marketing Content Specialist
Level 4

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Erin Pollack] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

I found that interesting, too, @laevinsdad.  Why isn't there a column header?


I can still click on the header (which isn't there 😉) and still sort the data by the header.


Regardless, I am finding it particularly useful for seeing archived programs and being able to turn off individual campaign.  I'm going to make the assumption that this will help to speed up our overall instance b/c our instance isn't 'listening' for things that are no longer relevant to our marketing initiatives.


Jeff Hensiek
Marketing Automation Program Manager
Level 2

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Erin Pollack] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

Hi @JeffHensiek, you found one of my favorite treasure chest items! I use the Campaign Inspector often for auditing purposes before and after the "Automatic Trigger Campaign Cleanup" on a quarterly basis. I totally agree, I think the only reason you would want to keep the smart campaign activate is when that campaign is part of an active initiative running and then in that case pull it out of the archive folder.


I like this new "archive icon" feature a lot because in my role right now there are a lot of website migrations and landing pages change regularly, so when I see the an active campaign in the Archive folder it triggers me to ask "are leads still filling out a form somewhere on an old landing page?". I think it would be pretty cool if they had a few additional filters under the "More Campaigns" section that allowed you to select "Archived Active Triggered Campaigns" and "Batch Campaigns - Archived Active". 


Screenshot 2024-06-14 at 4.54.09 PM.png

Level 4

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Erin Pollack] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

Ahhh, yes, I have seen that in the notification center. 


So, I'm also seeing batch campaigns showing up in there.  These are old campaigns and I really don't feel that I need them in there anymore, but I'm not seeing an easy way to remove them (unless I delete them all together - which doesn't seem to make sense).  


So, how do I get old Batch campaigns out of there?

Jeff Hensiek
Marketing Automation Program Manager
Level 3

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Erin Pollack] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

@JeffHensiek - This is a completely new thing for me to come across on Marketo. Thanks for sharing. 

As far as keeping them is concerned, I think these campaigns would come handy in understanding the KPIs and also to rely on the Smart list logic if the same use case repeats for your future campaigns. Does it make sense?


@laevinsdad - I have checked my instance and could not see these icons as well. 🙂


Level 4

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Erin Pollack] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟


I'm with you on the keeping of the campaign piece.  that's good from an archiving perspective and, as you pointed out, a way to reference them for the future.


In the short term, as @ErinPollackQ2 pointed out, deactivating the trigger campaigns can make sense in relation to any latency of the system - allowing our system/instance to keep running as quickly/efficiently as possible.


Good thoughts.

Thanks for sharing.


Jeff Hensiek
Marketing Automation Program Manager
Level 3

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Erin Pollack] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

@JeffHensiek ,

I've been reviewing your conversations and I'm impressed by how proactive you've been in replying on the thread.


Regarding your question about whether it's necessary to keep trigger campaigns that are still running from old campaigns - 

In my opinion, it's important for us to periodically assess whether they still serve a purpose and align with our current marketing objectives.


For example, we should check if the smart list is capturing any form fills and ensure the landing page is still active on the website.


Am I on track with this?


