Here are 25 elements you can test in your emails:
- Subject line
- From name
- Day of week sent
- Time of day sent
- Cadence
- Links vs. buttons
- Image-based CTAs vs. HTML CTAs (aka bulletproof buttons)
- HTML vs. text
- Subject line character length
- Social sharing icons
- Preheader text (text preview following the subject line)
- Personalization–first name, company name, address, etc.
- Header height
- One column vs. two columns vs. three columns
- Video in email
- Using lists and numbers
- P.S. note in email footer
- Using trust icons
- CTA placement
- Short copy vs. long copy
- Social proof
- Mobile optimization
- Special characters in subject line
- Declutter
- Resending to non-openers
For more resources on email marketing, check out our blog on Tips & Tricks for Optimizing Your Emails as well as our Email Marketing Best Practices.
Happy testing!